The lawyer Kasatkina-Kouskou Svetlana provides legal advice on the formation of a package of documents needed for the subscription of children of third country nationals, in foreign schools in Athens and she also provides qualified support to their parents in order to obtain residence permits in Greece.
The investment in children’ s education is certainly a successful one as it is a very beneficial fast enough payback project.
At this time of speaking, we live in the era of development of almost all sectors of the economy, technology nanomechanics and a number of highly qualified sciences. So, parents strongly believe that the investment in full education is a fundamental factor for the success and the foundation for a decent future for their children.
While studying in a foreign school, children obtain absolute immersion in the foreign language and perception of the literacy , therefore, they can speak the foreign language as their native language. This way of education is particularly attractive. The fact that around the baby a double communication environment is created and the fact that the child takes part in educational programs abroad have as a result that the child learns two languages very well.
Studying in an institution, specialized in an accurate training base or humanities, can in some way predetermine the kid’s future profession. That procedure also causes the child's curiosity and interest, expands the mind’ s horizons and builds the foundation for a successful and qualitative development which is affected by the environment, and finally fills typically a third of his daily attention.
In the case that your children have chosen a profession or have clearly expressed an interest, or have some experience in a particular area, you can offer them the opportunity of a deeper study of their interesting subject, and also broaden the base of their knowledge with study of a second or more foreign languages.
Of course, the choice of professional activity is very important as it is a step and a motive for higher education. However - this is the final and the main level of an education process with quality, so it is important to organise the children’ s education properly and build the foundation for their future profession.
In Athens, there is a big number of educational institutions, more than 20 English-speaking and French-speaking, which provide education programs for your children during early childhood and school age.
It is certain that by investing in the education of your children you will enjoy the profits in the future because kids are our future, the future of the country, they can bring social transformation and they are the founders of new goals and principles of life.
Foreign schools in Athens:
American schools:
American colleges:
British schools:
British colleges:
Greek-French Schools:
French College:
German college: