Important AnnouncementDear readers, as often observed, articles and text materials published on my website and on the connected social media pages, whether they are written in English, Greek or Russian, are being copied and posted on other sites without prior permission. All materials published on this website and on connected social media pages embody a unique context which is along with being daily updated by me, represent the result of the long hours of intellectual work. Given all the above, I consider it necessary to warn lawyer colleagues, specialists of other areas and regular visitors of this website as well as of the connected social media pages, that all materials, translations, interpretation of laws, publications of any kind and generally this site content – are the subject to my intellectual property and are protected by copyright laws. In conclusion, I inform you that once the fact of this site content illegal copying and publication on pages of other sites, blogs and social media stated, I will have without further notice to take legal action in order to protect my intellectual property rights, i. e. to bring an encroacher of the intellectual property owned by me, to justice. Yours faithfully, Svetlana Kasatkina-Kouskou Lawyer Back |